In Spring 2025 the ECG Meeting was hosted by the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD in Rome. and will serve as a platform for enhancing collaboration among ECG members.
Expected Outcomes
Informal networking and strategic discussions among ECG Heads.
Speaker: Mr Indran Naidoo, ECG Chair
Opening of the ECG Spring Meeting with a focus on collaboration and key priorities for 2025.
Chair: ECG Chair, Mr Indran Naidoo
The ECG Chair will introduce each member before their presentation. Each Head will have 3 minutes to present three successes/opportunities and three challenges facing their evaluation functions in the current context.
Speaker: Mr Ashwani K. Muthoo, Director General, IEO – NDB
Overview of NDB’s application and its potential contributions to the ECG network.
Chair: Mr Indran Naidoo, Director, IOE – IFAD
Co-Chair: Ms Sabine Bernabe, Vice President and Director General, IEG – WB
1. "AI in IOE: progress, lessons, future” – Ms Hannah den Boer, Associate Evaluation Officer, and Mr Steven Jonckheere, Senior Evaluation Officer, IOE – IFAD
The presentation will provide an overview of IFAD’s Independent Office of Evaluation's progress in using AI, including key lessons and future plans. It will highlight AI pilot projects and essential components for IOE's ongoing progress, reflecting on successes and challenges.
2. “Building an AI Strategy for Evaluation – Challenges and Trade-offs” – Mr Aron Gereben, Evaluation Expert/Team Leader, EV – EIB
This presentation will explain how important is to build an AI Strategy for Evaluation, what are its challenges, how to move forward and what discussions/collaboration are needed.
3. “Lessons from IEG’s latest experiments with GEN AI” – Mr Harsh Anuj, Data Scientist, IEG – WB
In this lightening talk, the audience will be provided a very quick recap of the use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in IEG, followed by updates and lessons learned from ongoing applications. The recap will place GenAI applications within the broader set of data science applications, and on the results of IEG’s experiments with GenAI in 2023. The update will provide an overview of GenAI applications in IEG products since the previous experiments and share details on challenges faced and how they were addressed in recent experiments. Finally, IEG's current view on use of GenAI for structured literature reviews will be shared.
4. “What’s Next for EVA?” – Ms Maya Vijayaraghavan, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED - ADB
We recap the ECG Fall 2024 meeting which highlighted the AI-powered cognitive search tool, EVA, and its role in long-term knowledge management. We outline ADB's activities since Fall 2024, including the development of an external version of EVA for ECG members and the addition of DevGenie. We detail the themes of the proposed ECG Working Group on Data, Technology, and AI, which include AI capacity building, standards for AI in evaluation, and a common AI-powered platform for sharing evaluation evidence. The next step for a common AI-powered platform involves assessing the feasibility of integrating evaluations from other ECG members in EVA/DevGenie. We conclude with a call for participation from ECG members to explore and scope out the pilot version of EVA/DevGenie.
15:15 - 16:45 | Theme 2: Private Sector
Chair: Mr Indran Naidoo, Director, IOE – IFAD
Co-Chair: Mr José Efraín Deras, Head, ODEI – CABEI
1. “Project Cluster Evaluation: IFAD’s support to Rural Entreprise Development: Key findings and lessons”, Mr Kouessi Maximin Kodjo, Lead Evaluation Officer, IOE – IFAD
In 2021, IOE conducted a Project Cluster Evaluation (PCE) to assess IFAD’s support for rural enterprise development in four countries. The evaluation found that many activities supported are pre-entrepreneurial, while the projects helped existing microenterprises to diversify income sources. They have had a limited impact on employment growth. Skill development support was effective, but productivity improvements and business management adoption were inconsistent. Access to finance remained a major barrier. Matching grants, though intended for first-time borrowers, were often accessed by established enterprises. The evaluation highlighted the need for clearer strategies, long-term support, improved financial access, and stronger institutional backing to ensure sustainable rural enterprise development.
2. “CABEI’s Experience with Private Sector: findings and exploring the way forward”, Mr Jorge Carballo, Ms Luisa Noyola and Ms Andrea Lupiac, Evaluation Analysts, ODEI -CABEI
This presentation focuses on exploring CABEI’s alignment with the Good Practice Standards for Evaluation of Private Sector Investment Operations, particularly the private sector principle on “evaluation metrics and benchmarks”. We will examine how CABEI’s theory of change for private sector engagement drives development impact and discuss findings from its implementation. Key questions include: How can we improve adherence to these standards? What lessons can inform enhancements to the GPS to better address emerging challenges and opportunities? aims to identify actionable insights and strategies to strengthen private sector engagement and contribute to broader development goals.
Attracting private sector investment while addressing economic and social challenges remains a key challenge for MDBs. CABEI’s experience highlights the importance of tailored financial products, risk-sharing mechanisms, and supportive regulatory frameworks to engage private actors effectively. Evaluation plays a critical role in informing better strategies by assessing what works, identifying gaps, and demonstrating the development impact of private sector projects. By aligning with the Good Practice Standards for Evaluation of Private Sector Investment Operations, MDBs can enhance transparency, accountability, and learning, making private sector opportunities more attractive and impactful. This is central to the ECG agenda, ensuring MDBs contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth.
3. “Evaluating ADB's Private Sector Operations Strategic Approach and Results: Progress, Gaps, and Future Directions”, Mr Mark Leander Mendoza, Evaluation Officer, IED – ADB
ADB’s private sector operations play a crucial role in addressing financing gaps in Asia and the Pacific, particularly in infrastructure, financial inclusion, and climate finance. This presentation evaluates ADB’s strategic approach, the effectiveness of its Private Sector Operations Plan (PSO Plan), and the challenges in scaling up non-sovereign operations (NSO).
While the PSO Plan provided a flexible framework, it lacked a clear theory of change and results framework, making it difficult to assess impact. Progress has been made in increasing private sector engagement, sectoral diversification, and cofinancing, but key gaps remain. NSO commitments grew modestly, but the 2024 target of one-third of ADB operations is unlikely to be met, and expansion in FCAS and SIDS has been limited. Additionally, business process delays, resource constraints, and unclear performance targets have hindered scale-up efforts.
To strengthen private sector operations, the evaluation recommends developing a revised PSO Plan with a clearer strategic focus, improving alignment with country-specific diagnostics, enhancing incentives for NSO expansion, and implementing business process reforms. These steps will ensure ADB’s private sector operations contribute more effectively to sustainable economic development in the region.
Discussion on the outcomes of the thematic sessions of day
9:00 – 10:30 | Theme 3: Climate Change
Chair: Mr Pablo Moreno, Director, IEO – IMF
Co-Chair: Ms Véronique Salze-Lozach, Chief Evaluator, IEvD – EBRD
1. “Evaluating support for climate in a changing environment: lessons from the EIB Group Climate Bank Roadmap evaluation” Ms Tania Rajadel, Evaluation Expert, EV – EIB
The EV-EIB will present the lessons learned, findings and recommendation from the Climate Bank Roadmap evaluation and the role of the Roadmap as a corporate document.
2. “Evaluation Perspectives: Insights on ADB’s Evolving Climate Change Landscape” – Ms Shimako Takahashi, Senior Evaluation Specialist, IED – ADB
This presentation explores the evolution of ADB’s climate strategies, financing, and operations over the past three years. In November 2024, the Independent Evaluation Department published the topical paper which provides an update on ADB’s support for climate action during 2021–2023, following the IED’s thematic evaluation in 2021 on ADB support for climate action during 2011–2020. The paper focuses on: (i) strategic and institutional shifts; (ii) ADB’s climate portfolio, including operations aligned with the Paris Agreement; and (iii) progress towards climate outcomes.
Since 2021, ADB has made significant progress in enhancing its strategic focus on climate at the corporate level and improving results frameworks at both country and project levels. To truly become the climate bank of Asia and the Pacific region, ADB needs to focus beyond achieving climate financing targets to delivering climate outcomes and devote greater attention to fostering systematic institutional learning.
3. "Together?... at the Climate-Crisis Crossroads”, Ms Shireen El-Wahab, Principal Evaluator, IEvD- EBRD
The IEvD-EBRD presentation raises questions on how harmonised MDBs are in practice, when it comes to climate finance. The powerpoint illustrate what constitute green finance, and how tracking mitigation and adaptation finance work in practice. The slides also touch on how evaluation can play a role in moving the institution forward in this regard, and also towards impact more generally and underline the following issues:
4. “Evaluation on the IMF Work on Climate” – Mr Miguel de Las Casas, Evaluation Lead, IEO – IMF
The IEO will present an overview of its ongoing evaluation of the work of the IMF on climate change and the challenges it is facing, both internally and from a broader political economy perspective.
11:00 - 12:30 | Theme 4: Good Practice Standards (GPS)
Chair: Ms Marialisa Motta, Director, OVE – IaDB
Co-Chair: Ms Sabine Bernabe, Vice President and DG, IEG – WB
1. “GPS Update: work plan following ECG December kick-off meeting”, Mr Jozef Vaessen, Evaluation Advisor, OVE – IaDB
The OVE-IaDB will present the roadmap to revise the GPS, what are the areas of agreement, the proposed steps for overall update process, the roles and responsibilities, and its timeline.
The questions for discussion will be:
2. “Private sector evaluation standards: background and suggested way forward”, Mr Todor Dimitrov, Head of Evaluation, IE – BSTDB
The presentation outlines the background and some challenges of the evolving Good Practice Standards (GPS) on the evaluation of private sector operations, developed and published by the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG) in 2012, along with other standards. As these standards are expected to have a further 5th edition, the main goal is to highlight areas that need attention and improvement. Based on some lessons learned in implementing these standards, the suggestions for the way forward address the following issues:
- limitations, relativity and fluidity of terms/processes across ECG members
- relevance and barriers towards formal commitment to ECG/GPS
- possible alignment among the standards on Private and Public sectors, reflecting those on independence, noting the rationale for differentiation such as addressing market and institutional failures via additionality as well as demand-driven transactions
- scope and quality of self-evaluation and ex-ante indicators
- possible integration of the independence/credibility perspective within the standards, not taking all assumptions at face value, towards mitigating risks of sidelining and compromised separation of powers
- Anticipate and address current and potential blind spots, e.g. early/real time evaluations vs. self/monitoring within the independence context; sensitive/recovery operations, awareness and access to information and broader outreach/influence.
3. “Development effectiveness tools: Comparative Analysis”, Mrs Claudia Figueroa, Evaluation Specialist, OVE – IaDB
The presentation will compare project development effectiveness policies, guidelines, abd instruments across 5 institutions. IDB, IFAD, AfDB, ADB and WB.
Regarding the evaluability assessment at project design, all MDBs rely on theories of change and results framework, some also conduct availability assessment; while monitoring and project performance classification during classification vary across MDBs.
MDBs’ criteria for self-evaluation and validation are broadly similar but assessed differently.
Some take aways relevant for the GPS update:
Discussion on strategic priorities and future collaborations.
Working Groups reporting on:
15:30 - 17:00 | Theme 5: Knowledge Management and Effective Communication
Chair: Mr Indran Naidoo, Director, IOE – IFAD
Co-Chair: Ms Karen Rot-Munstermann, Evaluator General, IDEV – AfDB
1. “Effective Communication”, Mr Alexander Voccia, Senior Evaluation Communication & Knowledge Management Specialist, IOE – IFAD
The presentation will explain what constitutes effective communication at IOE/IFAD. The focus will be on the journey that has led IOE to revolutionize its strategic thinking and approach to communication over the past four years. The key elements of this approach are nested in the Office’s six communication goals. These include building engagement, fostering empathy, cultivating the audience base, feeding stakeholder’s information needs, capturing IOE’s media presence, and adding value to the Office’s evaluation work.
2. “Unlocking Tacit Knowledge: Strengthening Institutional Memory in Evaluation” Ms Darlene Brady Christopher, Senior Knowledge and Learning Officer, IED – WB
This session will explore two internal knowledge management practices by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) that help address the challenges of retaining institutional knowledge and fostering continuous internal knowledge sharing among staff.
To mitigate knowledge loss, the IEG KM team conducts knowledge retention interviews for departing staff, following a structured process to capture critical insights, lessons learned, and practical experience before they leave. These interviews help preserve tacit knowledge—insights gained through experience that are often difficult to document—ensuring that valuable institutional memory remains accessible to the organization.
Additionally, IEG fosters ongoing knowledge exchange through an internal-facing community of practice for evaluators. This initiative provides a collaborative space for evaluators to discuss methodologies, share emerging findings, and reflect on challenges, strengthening institutional learning. By facilitating peer engagement and continuous dialogue, the community of practice enhances professional development and ensures that evaluation knowledge is not only retained but actively applied and expanded within the organization.
3. “Turning Evidence into Action: The Role of Knowledge Management and Communication in Evaluation” – Ms Jacqueline Nyagahima, Principal Knowledge Management Officer, IDEV – AfDB
This presentation illustrates the critical relationship between knowledge management, communication, and the evaluation process. By exploring the integral roles these elements play throughout the evaluation cycle, we will show how a robust communication strategy and effective knowledge management practices can greatly enhance evaluation results. This leads to better decision-making, improved programs or policies, and ultimately greater success in achieving development outcomes. We will describe strategies that IDEV employs to enhance its evaluation processes, ensuring that the evaluative knowledge gained not only demonstrates accountability to the AfDB’s Board of Directors but also provides actionable insights that propel development interventions towards impact. Case studies will highlight implementation, emphasizing how evaluation units can leverage these strategies to improve decision-making, drive continuous learning, and foster program improvement.
4. “Strategic EKM Practices for Organizational Influence and Impact” – Ms Saleha Waseem, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED – ADB
This presentation will be around strategies to amplify the influence and impact of evaluations within an organization. We'll begin by sharing some of IED’s recent strategies for effective engagement, highlighting successes and roadblocks, and outlining future directions. Our presentation will cover the three main areas of our Evaluation Knowledge Management (EKM) practices:
1. Knowledge Generation: Including initiatives like EVA and others.
2. Communications: Strategies and tools used to disseminate knowledge.
3. Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD): Building and enhancing the capacity for effective evaluation.
Discussion on the outcomes of the thematic sessions of day 2
Informal networking and strategic discussions among ECG Heads.
”Leveraging neuroscience-based principles in evaluation communication”, Mr Alexander Voccia, Senior Evaluation Communication & Knowledge Management Specialist, IOE – IFAD
The presentation will explore the significant strides that IOE has made in integrating neuroscience-based principles into its evaluation processes. This innovative approach aims to enhance the effectiveness of evaluations by understanding the psychological and emotional dynamics at play during the evaluative process. This work represents a pioneering effort to enhance the effectiveness and impact of its evaluative work. Through collaboration, training, and the development of new resources, IOE is striving to create a more engaging and constructive evaluation environment.
Chair: Mr Emmanuel Pondard, Head of Evaluation, EV – EIB
Presentation: “Reassessing Additionality: Leveraging new Insights and Developments” – Ms Izlem Yenice, Senior Evaluation Officer, IEG – WB, Beata Lenard, IEG – WB, and Mr Iouri Marounov, Evaluator, EV - EIB
This session aims to assess ECG members' interest in harmonizing the Additionality concept and practices, and explore the potential for discussing the concept at the upcoming Evalnet meetings. The presentation provides an overview of the Additionality concept within the context of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). It revisits the findings from the 2020 ECG Additionality Stocktaking exercise, presents the level of convergence on the Additionality concept based on recent evaluations conducted by several MDB Independent Evaluation Units, and examines the OECD DAC criteria and practices.
Chair: Ms Véronique Salze-Lozach, Chief Evaluator, IEvD – EBRD
Co-Chair: Mr Emmanuel Jimenez, Director General, IED – ADB
ECG Heads will continue the discussion launched by the ECG Strategic Reflections Working Group. Participants will define priorities to strengthen ECG’s relevance and impact, ensuring alignment with evolving member needs and fostering MDB cohesion. The conversation will cover proposals such as enhancing ECG’s visibility, refining membership criteria, and expanding the Secretariat’s role. Participants will also explore ways to promote joint evaluations, enhance methodological coherence, and foster professional development through the ECG Academy.
14:00 – 15:30 | Theme 7: Institutional Change
Chair: Ms Sabine Bernabe, Vice President and Director General of Evaluation, IEG – WB
Co-Chair: Mr Todor Dimitrov, Director, Independent Evaluation, IE – BSTDB
1. “Evaluation Policy Design in Institutional Change” – Mr Miguel de las Casas, Evaluation Lead, IEO – IMF
The IEO will briefly present the approach it is following for designing its evaluation policy and the structure of its current draft. Emphasis would be on ECG colleagues´ suggestions on how best to design an evaluation policy so it can fulfill its various objectives.
2. “Institutional Change: can Independent Evaluation be the bridge over troubled waters?”, Mr Gabriele Fattorelli, Director, IEvD – EBRD
The presentation provides an overview of the evaluation of the Bank's Strategic and Capital. It discusses the foundational elements supporting the evaluation process and uses the three-spheres approach to categorize the Bank's actions and resources into three spheres: within its control, within its sphere of influence, and within its sphere of interest, helping to prioritize and assess actual progress. It also addresses the challenges of managing evaluation during times of political sensitivity and linking independent evaluation to the institution's operational risk framework.
3. “The Evaluation of the EIB Group Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” – Ms Ombeline de Bock, Evaluator, EV – EIB
The presentation presents the evaluation of the EIB Group Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment. It discusses the evaluation process, key findings and recommendations and how they aim to influence the trajectory of change of the EIB on this agenda.
4. “IEG’s Validation of the Management Action Record”, Ms Susan Caceres, Senior Education Specialist, IEG – WB
The presentation highlights the major changes in how the World Bank Group tracks progress towards achieving the outcomes of IEG’s recommendations, in its Management Action Record (MAR). It presents the main reform elements, discusses how they seek to overcome the shortcomings of the past system and presents some interesting trends in the evolution of the stock and flow of recommendations.
Discussion on the outcomes of the thematic sessions of day 3 and announcements regarding the upcoming ECG 2025 Fall Meeting, focusing on proposed themes and expected focus areas.
Chair: ECG Chair, Indran Naidoo
The Chairperson will summarize the results of the ECG 2025 Spring Meeting, focusing on the key insights and outcomes while highlighting points of consensus and outlining next steps