Prepared by the Independent Evaluation Department of the Asian Development Bank on behalf of ECG, ECG paper #7 synthesizes the findings of 14 recent knowledge management evaluation studies and related reports from the evaluation units of six ECG member institutions namely AfDB, AsDB, IFAD, IMF and the World Bank. The objective of the paper is to identify commonalities in these reports that would provide lessons of more general use to those in IFIs trying to improve knowledge management.
The wide range of knowledge management practices in IFIs, and the different nature of the evaluation reports meant that it was not feasible to complete a comprehensive in-depth review. The paper reviews practices that can be used to improve the IFIs' own work, and also to enable them to offer more and better knowledge products and services to clients. It was beyond the scope of this paper to provide a full review of the debates regarding the definitions of knowledge and knowledge management in the context of development assistance.