Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) has conducted an evaluation of the Self-evaluation Systems and Processes (SESP) of the African Development Bank (AfDB or ‘the Bank’), covering the period from 2013 to 2018. SESP are commonly defined as the assessment made of a project, country/regional program, or policy/theme by the entity engaged in the activity. The AfDB’s SESP pursue three main outcomes: performance, accountability and learning, and the main SESP tools are implementation progress reports, mid-term reviews, and completion reports. The evaluation assessed the functioning of the SESP along three main dimensions: relevance, effectiveness and efficiency. It tries to answer the question: “Do the SESP support performance management, accountability, and learning at the Bank?”, and two underlying sub-questions: (i) how well are the SESP performing? and (ii) to what extent are the SESP impacting the quality of development results?
This evaluation builds on previous IDEV evaluative work assessing the processes for Bank Group operations, notably: (i) their quality at entry, and (ii) the quality of supervision and at exit, as well as a “chapeau” report, the Evaluation of Quality Assurance across the Project Cycle (2012–17), which consolidates the different findings, including on the compliance with the Bank’s environmental and social safeguards. In response, Management prepared a Quality Assurance Implementation Action Plan, covering five areas of reform: (i) reinforcing the knowledge of operations staff; (ii) strengthening project preparation; (iii) refining the assurance framework for quality at entry; (iv) sharpened focus on delivery and results; and (v) improving planning, budgeting and information).
This evaluation of the Bank’s SESP completes IDEV’s assessment of the Bank’s quality assurance framework. Together with Management’s own diagnosis, it forms the basis for the improvement of the SESP and will potentially set the stage for institutionalizing “best practices” in a consistent way, positioning the AfDB on a par with comparator agencies.
The evaluation found that the Bank’s SESP lay out strong standards and procedures underpinning their functioning, as well as a cogent articulation with the independent evaluation function carried out by IDEV. However the SESP were found to be constrained by weaknesses in the application of the established procedures, standards and norms, by their ratings methodology and structure, and the way this is applied to Project Completion Reports.
Based on its findings, the evaluation report includes the following recommendations: