Deadline for submission: 10 July 2021
Publication: September 2021
Evaluators often speak of the need for development agencies such as the AfDB to replicate and scale up successes and to turn perceived failures into opportunities for learning. How can evaluators themselves learn from their own successes and failures, and what can be learned from high points and mistakes made in the evaluation process?
Rather than look at how institutions have learned from evaluations, we explore how evaluation offices, units, firms, and individual evaluators have learned from their own successes and failures.
Areas for authors to explore include:
• Are we as evaluators learning from our successes and failures?
• How can concepts and approaches of institutional and individual learning be applied to evaluation offices, firms and evaluators?
• Good case studies or examples of learning from either successful evaluations or those considered failures, or from successful elements and mistakes within evaluations.
• What evaluation approaches or types of evaluations are there that would foster better learning for evaluators?
• How does learning from successes and failures help evaluators to better fulfil their role?
Previous issues of Evaluation Matters can be found at:
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