The evaluation program addresses the following overarching questions:
Unlike the first, this report contains recommendations for the Bank and draws on all the evidence accumulated thus far. Therefore, whenever data presented in Evaluation 1 shed light on, or substantiate, findings from Evaluation 2, the Evaluation 1 data are reprised. The new evidence gathered by Evaluation 2 includes findings from seven country case studies and interviews with Bank staff about their early experience of working within the Bank's new Global Practices structure, which became operational on July 1, 2014. The Bank's reorganization is still being embedded and drawing conclusions about it would be premature. Instead evidence from the recent past is used in a forward-looking manner and considered alongside that from the pre-organization period. The aim is to assess the pre-FY15 evidence in light of the new structure and roles, and to ask how long-term trends are likely to be modified as reforms evolve.