The Bank’s engagement in the West Bank & Gaza (WB&G) has to be assessed five years following its approval by the EBRD Board of Governors. This evaluation was performed in a short timeframe to deliver findings and recommendations on time for Management’s next Net Income Allocation request and to inform the strategic engagement update in the WB&G that Management is undertaking.
EBRD has engaged in activities in the WB&G under three strategic themes aimed at: (1) enhancing private sector led growth through direct support for competitiveness and innovation, (2) strengthening the capacity of financial intermediaries with a particular focus on increasing access to finance for MSMEs and (3) fostering energy efficiency and sustainability.
The questions posed by the evaluation team on EBRD’s investments activities in the WB&G are based on four evaluation criteria and grouped under the four headings:
I. Relevance: To what extent have EBRD’s activities in the WB&G been responsive to the needs of the private sector in the region, donors and the WB&G authorities?
II. Internal and External coherence: How coherent have the Bank’s activities in the WB&G been internally and externally?
III. Effectiveness: What are the early results achieved by the Bank in the region; and to what extent Bank’s projects have achieved, or are positioned to achieve, their intended objectives?
IV. Efficiency: Have EBRD’s resourcing and management supported efficiently the achievement of its intended results?