The assessment of World Bank performance has also been adapted to include greater granularity regarding the criteria to be used for assessment (Box 6.1). These criteria are deemed more operationally relevant to budget support operations, since they better reflect how World Bank staff engage with stakeholders and the operation during both preparation and the implementation. Particular attention is given to the adequacy of the ex ante assessment of risks to the achievement of objectives and the articulation and implementation of mitigating measures to reduce these risks. The importance of this discussion reflects, to some extent, the fact that the prior actions supported by a DPF operation are themselves generally not sufficient for the achievement of the PDOs. The ex ante discussion of risks forces a closer look at the results chain, linking the prior action to the desired outcome, drawing early attention to the additional support and complementary actions that will be required. The hope is that over time, this will promote more successful and better-informed risk taking in DPF operations.