Key strategic directions GEF IEO
During the eighth replenishment period of the GEF (2022-2026), the IEO seeks to deepen the evidence on GEF’s results and performance through ex-post evaluations as well as provide real time feedback on recent shifts in the GEF’s strategy and programming, such as those related to country level strategies and integrated programs. The IEO seeks to continuously test and implement new qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches to inform the GEF Council on the performance and results of the GEF.
Additional strategic areas of work in the IEO include:
• Scale up of IEO learning and knowledge sharing.
• Continued improvements in evaluation methodology and quality assurance; and
• Enhanced cost-effectiveness, including productivity improvements in evaluations.
Organizational structure
IEO is led by the Director of Evaluation, who reports directly to the GEF Council. The Evaluation Analyst will report to the Team Leader/Deputy Director and Chief Evaluation Officer under the overall guidance of the IEO Director.
Duties and Accountabilities
• Review project documents (approvals, reviews, and evaluations) and prepare relevant notes and working papers.
• Analyze data and information gathered through document reviews
• Prepare analytical tables and reports as inputs into evaluations
• Enter project data into the project review and meta-analysis templates
• Conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis
• Contribute to the writing of selected evaluation report sections
• Other portfolio analysis tasks as requested
Note: This is for 2 positions.
Full details available on the GEF website. Application deadline 21st October.