Independent Evaluation Office, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
Evaluation at BSTDB is defined as the process of assessing operations, programs, activities and strategies through systematic and rigorous analysis of their outputs, outcomes and impact against expected results and the overall mission of the Bank. While evaluation is mainly focused on completed operations (post-evaluation), in selected cases and in view of the need to learn from experience earlier in the cycle, the Post Evaluation Office (PEO) also performs Mid-Term Evaluations, upon President's request/approval.
The evaluation function has two basic objectives, serving the overall purpose of assessing mandate fulfillment and drawing lessons for improved future operations:
BSTDB was welcomed as the 10th ECG member at the ECG Spring 2014 meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa (29-30 April 2014).
BSTDB Chaired ECG for the first half of 2019 and hosted the Spring 2019 meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Last updated: May 2022