The Resource Pack is comprised of The Joint Evaluations Guidance Document and The Joint Evaluations Toolkit. These two guidance notes work in tandem to present an interactive overview of the processes and procedures for consideration when undertaking a joint evaluation review.
This project performance assessment (PPA) of the Agriculture, Marketing and Enterprise Promotion Programme (AMEPP) was carried out in 2013 by the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) with a view to providing inputs for the development of a new project for Bhutan. The assessment was affected…
This report has been produced by UNEG as an in-depth guidance handbook to improving human rights and gender equality responsive evaluation throughout the United Nations system.
The project performance assessment reveals that the programme activities brought about improvements in the production and productivity of crops and livestock in the targeted area, through training of farmers and on-farm demonstrations, along with the distribution of inputs and farm implements…
The country programme evaluation reveals that IFAD's country programme in Ecuador has made a positive contribution to the country's rural development through social and productive investments focused on the rural poor, the development and promotion of trade, the boosting of rural…