The overarching purpose of the corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s financial architecture is to independently assess how IFAD creates value for Member States through sound investment decisions and financial strategies contributing to rural poverty reduction. This is the first evaluation of…
The Gender Practitioners Community of Practice of ECG met for a two-day workshop, organised by IEG in Washington DC, in September 2017. The material presented in this brochure summarizes the content of five sessions; additional sessions focused on the challenges of evaluating the gender…
This is the first country strategy and programme evaluation of Cameroon conducted by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) and it covers the partnership between the Government and IFAD from 2007 to 2017. During this time, IFAD provided funding for six rural development projects to…
This report presents the findings of the impact evaluation of the Agricultural Support Project (ASP) in Georgia, undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE).
The ECG Reference Document, Integrating Gender into Project-level Evaluations, provides practical approaches for Independent Evaluation Offices (IEOs) of multilateral development institutions to strengthen the treatment of gender equality and women's empowerment in their evaluation…