The evaluation reveals that replenishment consultations are critical for IFAD's financial sustainability and also provide a unique platform to ensure accountability for results and collective reflection on IFAD policy and strategic priorities. In particular, the changes introduced in the…
This country programme evaluation looks at issues including IFAD's support for rural lending, investment in small-scale infrastructure, building Moldova's agricultural future and the efficiency in implementing, managing and coordinating ongoing IFAD-supported projects at low cost.
The main objective of this evaluation synthesis was to capture how IFAD has responded to the emerging issues of rural water security and governance, whether IFAD's investments in water have met their intended objectives and are sustainable, and if it is possible to further enhance the…
The Evaluation Manual captures the evaluation methodology used by the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of IFAD. The manual ensures consistency, rigour and transparency across independent evaluations, and enhance IOE's effectiveness and quality of work.