Several key messages of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation of World Bank Support to Aging Countries acquire new resonance under the current COVID-19 pandemic. This note draws lessons on how societies can reallocate resources and rethink services to better meet the needs of their…
This report, also known as RAP 2020, is an annual review of the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group. To provide new perspectives on performance, RAP 2020 also analyzes outcomes and discusses ways in which the Bank Group can continue to enhance its outcome orientation.
In this webinar, IEG staff shared early experiences and lessons with conducting evaluations under COVID-19 restrictions. The conversation focused on the main lessons learned from conducting the Chad Country Program Evaluation and the evaluation of World Bank’s Support to Nutrition.
As part of their Knowledge Series, IEG organised a webinar on Data-Sensing and Data Mapping Tools which focused on understanding tools and technologies as well as limitations in data sensing and data mapping tools that can help the development and M&E practitioners collect needed data.…
For the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), fiscal year (FY)20 was a year of both internally and externally driven reform. IEG began the year with a mission to listen to the needs of our clients and stakeholders and improve our methods, relationships, and products to increase the relevance and…