The 2016G Annual Evaluation Report (AER) synthesizes the overall findings of evaluations carried out by the Group Operations Evaluation (GOE) Department during the year 2016G, highlighting the performance of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group interventions covered, key lessons learned, and…
The Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme in Orientale Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was implemented in a context of serious hardship. It took strategic measures that had rapid impact on agricultural production and food security, and human and social capital. Actions…
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted a corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's decentralization experience covering the period from 2003 through mid-2016.
The Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme (RuMEPP) in the Republic of the Philippine implemented between 2006 and 2013, sought to address two main areas of impediments to microenterprise development – finance; and knowledge and skills.