In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, central banks in the largest advanced countries innovated aggressively to restart growth and combat persistent deflationary risks, while policymakers elsewhere were faced by spillovers from extremely easy global liquidity conditions. This report…
This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s effectiveness and comparative advantage in fostering regional integration during FY2003–17 and draws lessons that can be used to inform future regional integration operations.
This evaluation assesses the IMF’s engagement with countries in fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS). Helping these countries has been deemed an international priority because of their own great needs and the dangerous implications of persistent fragility for regional and global…
This evaluation assesses how effectively the WBG has mainstreamed citizen engagement at the project, country and corporate levels and demonstrates how this process contributes to the achievement of development outcomes
The Gender Practitioners Community of Practice of ECG met for a two-day workshop, organised by IEG in Washington DC, in September 2017. The material presented in this brochure summarizes the content of five sessions; additional sessions focused on the challenges of evaluating the gender…
The Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) report is IEG's annual review of the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group (WBG), which includes IBRD/IDA, IFC, and MIGA. The report synthesizes existing evidence from IEG evaluations, validations, and other products,…