This document presents an evaluation by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) of the Country Program of the Inter-American Development Bank with Suriname over the period 2011-2015. This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) is the third independent evaluation of the Bank's program with…
This evaluation expands a previous evaluation of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight of the BRT project results with respect to their objectives of improving mobility and access for the poor. It assesses the effects of Cali's and Lima's BRT systems on mobility and accessibility of…
As part of its 2015-2016 annual work plan, the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) prepared the Bank's country program evaluation (CPE) with Argentina for the 2009-2015 period. This CPE is OVE's third independent evaluation of the IDB's country program with Argentina.
This report provides a brief overview of the evaluation work OVE undertook in 2015, and addresses policy-based lending, a special topic of current relevance in IDB.
An independent assessment of IDB's contingent instruments designed to help countries cope with shocks caused by financial and economic crises and natural disasters