This evaluation focuses on problem projects, defined narrowly as those “financially impaired” because they hold the possibility of financial losses. Problems may be defined as any departure from expected results, but when this departure relates to potential financial losses, accounting rules…
This evaluation of the country program with Paraguay for the period 2014-2018 has been prepared as part of the work program of the Inter-American Development Bank’s Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) for 2018 as an input for preparation of the IDB Group’s future country strategy. This is…
This is the fourth time that OVE is evaluating the IDB’s program with Nicaragua. The evaluation will contribute to the preparation of the IDB Group’s new country strategy, which will replace the current strategy (document GN-2683, 2012). The evaluation brings an independent vision to an…
This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assesses the IDB Groups relationship with the country during the 2014-2018 country strategy period and provides recommendations that will allow IDB Management to forge a new relationship with the incoming administration. Chile has one of the highest per…
This evaluation reviews IDB’s implementation of the IDB-9 mandates and results to date. It follows the themes of OVE’s 2013 mid-term evaluation (also mandated under IDB-9) and focuses more centrally on “the big picture” – to what extent IDB-9 mandates have been implemented, what has been…
The objective of the evaluation is to assess how well and to what extent the IDB’s activities to date have promoted gender equality, women’s empowerment, and development with identity. The evaluation focuses on three key aspects: (i) the relevance of the Bank’s approach (its policy framework…