The evaluation seeks to provide the Boards and Managements with information on how effective the IDBG’s safeguards systems have been in preventing, managing, and mitigating the adverse E&S impacts of IDBG-financed operations and in building client capacity to manage E&S impacts and…
In 2018 the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) delivered 11 evaluations. In so doing, OVE specialists reviewed roughly 4300 Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG) lending and non-lending operations and knowledge products, conducted fieldwork in 15 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC…
As part of its 2017-2018 annual work program, the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) has evaluated the Country Program with Honduras 2015-2018. This is OVE's fifth independent country program evaluation (CPE) of the IDB's program with Honduras and the first to cover the work of…
The review of project self-evaluations and performance ratings by the independent evaluation office is an integral aspect of the project evaluation system across Multilateral Development Banks. At the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG) the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) has…
In recent decades the IDB has made a substantial effort to increase the resources, and improve the institutional capacity and arrangements, to deliver knowledge products. This report reviews the IDB’s institutional arrangements, financing, and performance in generating and delivering knowledge…
This document discusses the Office of Evaluation and Oversights (OVE) evaluation of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Country Program with Colombia for 2015-2018. This is OVEs fifth independent evaluation of the IDB Groups program with Colombia. This country program evaluation takes a…