The report highlights the work and achievements of the EIB Group’s independent evaluation function in 2019. Currently, evaluators are completing reports on the EIB’s financing in cohesion regions, its support to urban public transport, and the EIB Group’s Risk Enhancement Mandate (EREM).
Over the last 15 years, the EIB has increasingly pooled resources with the European Commission and other third parties to increase our lending impact. These lending mandates now represent more than one-third of the Bank’s activity. A recent evaluation looked at how the Bank managed this…
The report highlights the evaluations of the EIB Group’s activities completed in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the ongoing effort to foster an evaluation culture within the institution. EIB’s independent evaluators are currently looking closely at the our cohesion lending, our support for urban…
The report highlights the evaluations of the EIB Group’s activities completed in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the ongoing effort to foster an evaluation culture within the institution. EIB’s independent evaluators are currently looking closely at the our cohesion lending, our support for urban…
The EIB’s Energy Lending Criteria aim to support the Bank in contributing to EU Energy Policy by setting out: (i) the criteria by which the Bank screens and assesses the energy component of projects; and (ii) priorities the Bank’s activities in the energy sector.