On request by the GEF Council at its 47th meeting in October 2014, the GEF IEO launched the evaluation of the GEF Civil Society Organization (CSO) Network. The evaluation reviewed the Network's performance, relevance, effectiveness and results in promoting knowledge dissemination and CSO…
This thematic evaluation assesses the extent to which the EIB's Climate Action financing activity has contributed to promoting low-carbon growth within the EU28 over the period 2010-14. The evaluation focuses on the EIB's lending activities relating to climate change mitigation.…
The Loan Guarantee Instrument for Trans-European Networks for Transport (TEN-T) Projects (LGTT) is a new financial instrument developed and funded jointly by the EC and the EIB.
The GEF Evaluation Office, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme,¬†completed a Country Portfolio Study (CPS) of the totality of GEF support across all agencies and programs in Sierra Leone from 1996 ‚Äì 2013.¬†¬† The evaluation assesses the relevance, results, and…
This note summarizes available evidence on barriers to energy efficiency and the interventions to surmount them from evaluations of the World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Global Environment Facility.