This Practice Note aims to provide guidance on the formulation of evaluation recommendations by putting forward “suggested features”. In doing so, the Note seeks to answer the following questions: Who should formulate evaluation recommendations? When should evaluation recommendations be…
The EIB provides Structural Programme Loans (SPLs) so that Member States or regions can provide their expected share of funding for the Structural (and Investment) Funds to increase cohesion.
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) combines a portfolio guarantee provided to the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group from the European Union (EU) budget and a capital contribution from the EIB, aimed to stimulate investment and boost sustainable economic growth in the EU.
This evaluation assesses gender mainstreaming trends in the GEF since OPS5 and the GEF's approach to gender mainstreaming compared to international best practice.
The EIB fosters access to finance and financial sector development in ACP, notably through intermediated lending operations implemented under the Cotonou Investment Facility (IF). This evaluation assesses the extent to which EIB intermediated lending through the IF has contributed to improving…
The ECG Reference Document, Integrating Gender into Project-level Evaluations, provides practical approaches for Independent Evaluation Offices (IEOs) of multilateral development institutions to strengthen the treatment of gender equality and women's empowerment in their evaluation…