This thematic evaluation assesses the extent to which the EIB's Climate Action financing activity has contributed to promoting low-carbon growth within the EU28 over the period 2010-14. The evaluation focuses on the EIB's lending activities relating to climate change mitigation.…
This report is the second in a program of evaluations that the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) is conducting on the learning that takes place through World Bank projects. Learning and knowledge are treated as parts of a whole and are presumed to be mutually reinforcing.
As part of IEG's commitment to promoting learning from evaluation experience, IEG is supplementing its main evaluation reports with a series of learning-focused notes which aim to make evaluation evidence easily accessible to key audiences. This note brings together in short and…
The Loan Guarantee Instrument for Trans-European Networks for Transport (TEN-T) Projects (LGTT) is a new financial instrument developed and funded jointly by the EC and the EIB.
In FY14 IEG responded to changes at the World Bank Group by delivering a number of highly appreciated evaluations that spoke to issues on the change agenda and informed policy choices and new beginnings. This 2014 Annual Report, provides insight into IEG's work over the past year, as well…