This study is EvD’s first review of the Nominee Director programme for direct equity investments. The study used an extensive EBRD document and wider literature review, and prepared 14 case studies representing multiple sectors and company types.
This evaluation provides background on trends in international trade and their major drivers, reviews other MDBs’ approaches to trade facilitation, and summarises the findings of previous evaluations of trade facilitation activities.
This report contains a review of the Bank’s hydrocarbon operations. It includes the evaluation of a sample of six projects, which is presented in the broader context of the Bank’s past hydrocarbon operations and portfolio analysis. It seeks to identify trends, as well as common lessons and…
This report contains a review of the Bank’s hydrocarbon operations. It includes the evaluation of a sample of six projects, which is presented in the broader context of the Bank’s past hydrocarbon operations and portfolio analysis. It seeks to identify trends, as well as common lessons and…
The Legal Transition Programme (LTP) is the EBRD’s flagship provider of legal and regulatory advisory work and technical assistance, combining it with investment activities to support legal reforms needed to strengthen investment climates and build markets. LTP activities are intended to…
The EBRD’s ability to combine non-sovereign investment and policy engagement was an important contributor to shareholders’ decision to offer membership to countries of the South-east Mediterranean and North Africa region (known as the SEMED region in EBRD) following the major political…