The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation, adopted in 2005, has served as a landmark document for the United Nations and beyond. For the last ten years, it has been used successfully to strengthen and harmonize evaluation practice and has served as a key…
This evaluation reviews several EBRD operations to support bank stability in south-eastern Europe and to place capital in the real economy. It looks at the extent to which the operations contributed to systemic bank stability in south-eastern Europe, what signal the intervention sent to the…
EBRD projects often target transition impact by extending markets through direct or or indirect positive effects on supply chains and backward linkages. This study examines projects where this has been a key objective, assessing how efforts are integrated into project design and the results of…
The Annual Evaluation Review presents an overview of EvD's deliveries and activities during the previous year, highlighting specific analysis, findings and recommendations, and providing Board, Management and the public with an overall picture of the main focus and concerns of evaluation…
This paper summarises an external assessment of eight new country strategies which use the EBRD's new country strategy results framework. The assessment was conducted against the core objectives of the new results framework design and good practice features. It also presents a quality…
This evaluation covers four wind energy projects under five EBRD operations ‚Äìthree in EU EBRD countries of operations and two in Central Asia. The principal reason for evaluating these projects as a group was to assess the presence of common design, execution and performance issues in…