An independent assessment of IDB's contingent instruments designed to help countries cope with shocks caused by financial and economic crises and natural disasters
This paper summarises an external assessment of eight new country strategies which use the EBRD's new country strategy results framework. The assessment was conducted against the core objectives of the new results framework design and good practice features. It also presents a quality…
This study is an evaluation of the EBRD's projects in the Russian rail sector conducted between 1996 and 2013. The portfolio represents €1.8 billion in EBRD investments supported by €6 million in technical cooperation initiatives.
This evaluation covers four wind energy projects under five EBRD operations ‚Äìthree in EU EBRD countries of operations and two in Central Asia. The principal reason for evaluating these projects as a group was to assess the presence of common design, execution and performance issues in…
This paper presents the Evaluation Department's (EvD's) multiyear Work Programme for 2016 to 2018. It sets out the strategic context for EvD and the Bank; presents 4 new thematic evaluations for launch in 2016 and others for possible launch later in the multi-year programme;…