This Annual Evaluation Review provides a summary of EvD’s mandate and operational priorities, and an overview of its activities and accomplishments in 2018. Special topics include Credit Lines, Investment Climate and Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility.
This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) with Brazil is the fifth evaluation by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) of the Banks country program with Brazil. The CPE is divided into four chapters plus annexes. Chapter I analyzes the overall country context. Chapter II examines the IDB…
The evaluation seeks to provide the Boards and Managements with information on how effective the IDBG’s safeguards systems have been in preventing, managing, and mitigating the adverse E&S impacts of IDBG-financed operations and in building client capacity to manage E&S impacts and…
In 2018 the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) delivered 11 evaluations. In so doing, OVE specialists reviewed roughly 4300 Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG) lending and non-lending operations and knowledge products, conducted fieldwork in 15 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC…
As part of its 2017-2018 annual work program, the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) has evaluated the Country Program with Honduras 2015-2018. This is OVE's fifth independent country program evaluation (CPE) of the IDB's program with Honduras and the first to cover the work of…
This study was requested by the Board Effectiveness and Efficiency Group, following the implementation by the Bank of a pilot, which increased the EBRD’s delegated authority threshold from €10 million to €25 million. On the completion of this pilot, the increased threshold became the Bank’s…