This evaluation provides background on trends in international trade and their major drivers, reviews other MDBs’ approaches to trade facilitation, and summarises the findings of previous evaluations of trade facilitation activities.
This evaluation is in response to a request from the Boards of Executive Directors of the IDB and IDB Invest for OVE to independently examine the MICI policy and its implementation pursuant to the requirement established in the respective policies of each institution. The aim of this…
This Independent Country Program Review (ICPR) covers the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group's country strategy (CS) and program in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) over the period 2016-2020. ICPRs assess the relevance of a CS and, data permitting, provide aggregate information on…
This independent country program review (ICPR) covers the Bank's country strategy with Guatemala and the Guatemala country program during the period 2017-2020. ICPRs assess the relevance of the country strategy and provide additional information on the alignment and execution of the…
The Annual Report provides an overview of the work undertaken by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) throughout 2020. It summarizes the evaluations completed, highlights lessons learned, describes evaluation capacity initiatives and dissemination efforts towards facilitating…
This report contains a review of the Bank’s hydrocarbon operations. It includes the evaluation of a sample of six projects, which is presented in the broader context of the Bank’s past hydrocarbon operations and portfolio analysis. It seeks to identify trends, as well as common lessons and…