This paper synthesizes the findings of 14 recent knowledge management evaluation studies and related reports from the evaluation units of six international financial institutions (IFIs) connected with the Evaluation Cooperation Group: the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank (…
Examines the effectiveness of ADB's approach to strengthening and applying country safeguard systems by its developing member countries, as well as the implementation of safeguard requirements for financial intermediary projects.
Evaluation for Better Results marks 10 years of independent evaluation at the Asian Development Bank. It shares the journey to organizational and financial independence of evaluation and the transformation in evaluation approaches to support effectively accountability and learning. The book…
This is the first in-depth thematic evaluation of ADB support for enhancing governance. The evaluation provides guidance to strengthen the effectiveness of future work in this area and the findings will feed into the midterm review of Asian Development Fund XI, to take place in late 2014.
The GEF Evaluation Office, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme,¬†completed a Country Portfolio Study (CPS) of the totality of GEF support across all agencies and programs in Sierra Leone from 1996 ‚Äì 2013.¬†¬† The evaluation assesses the relevance, results, and…