This report presents the findings from the evaluation of the Economic Support Program in Tonga to assess its performance and highlight lessons. It provides input to the ongoing corporate evaluation on policy-based lending of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and future ADB operations in the…
The ECG Reference Document, Integrating Gender into Project-level Evaluations, provides practical approaches for Independent Evaluation Offices (IEOs) of multilateral development institutions to strengthen the treatment of gender equality and women's empowerment in their evaluation…
These nine appendixes provide more detailed material relating to the topics covered in the main reference document on Integrating Gender into Project-level Evaluations.
Evaluations by the Asian Development Bank's (ADB's) Independent Evaluation Department (IED 2012 and 2013) of ADB's financing to deal with natural disasters in Asia and the Pacific region shed light on the effectiveness of projects implemented to respond to a variety of these…
Middle-income countries in Asia and the Pacific face several evolving development challenges, including poverty, inequality, unplanned urbanization, environmental degradation and climate change, low productivity and lack of competitiveness, macroeconomic instability, and insufficient economic…