The Yichang-Wanzhou Railway was the first railway to be developed in the low-income region of Hubei Province, and it constituted an important 377 km component in the central People's Republic of China (PRC) railway corridor, linking Yichang in Hubei Province and Wanzhou in Chongqing…
This paper assesses ADB's response to this strategic agenda and raises issues for consideration in the ongoing discussions on the next corporate strategy of ADB, Strategy 2030.
This report validates the country partnership strategy final review (CPSFR) for Lao People's Democratic Republic country partnership strategy for 2012-2016. This report assesses the quality of the self-evaluation and identifies lessons and recommendations to inform the new CPS. The CPSFR…
These guidelines focus on the four core and three non-core assessments to be undertaken for projects by both self- and independent evaluations within the Asian Development Bank.