This paper provides a synthesis of lessons from evaluations of PFM support by ADB, other multilateral development banks, and the International Monetary Fund, as well as lessons from research and analysis by other international organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation…
The 2019 Annual Evaluation Report (AER) of the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) presents a synthesis of the post-evaluations of IsDB interventions and activities undertaken by OED during 2019. OED is committed to aligning its evaluation functions…
The Annual Evaluation Review (AER) is the flagship report of the Independent Evaluation Department (IED) on the operational performance and results of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This is an important year for the AER as it marks the first full year of Strategy 2030’s implementation. The…
ADB’s assistance to Indonesia over the evaluation period has helped it achieve its key development objectives, including reducing its population below the absolute poverty line to less than 10%, but significant challenges remain in fostering inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth.…
This evaluation assesses the School Sector Program (SSP) successful, although it did not fully meet the ambitious targets it had set. The program led to some important achievements in the education sector, the establishment of a national student assessment system, the development of school…