The 2022 Annual Evaluation Report (AER) of the Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD) of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) presents a syn- thesis of the Ex-post evaluations of IsDB interven- tions and activities undertaken during the year. IEvD is committed to aligning its evaluation work…
How is the World Bank developing and supporting innovations to respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) team collected and reviewed innovations promising new approaches and practices reported by World Bank operational teams supporting COVID-19…
The Independent Evaluation Group report on the Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2021 documents the substantial improvement in project ratings while identifying areas in need of attention, such as results measurement.
Summary of a joint knowledge sharing webinar by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group and United States Agency for International Development’s Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning team. The webinar highlighted cross-institutional lessons and evaluative knowledge from World…