This study assesses ADB's operations in promoting inclusive growth during 2000‚Äì2012. This exercise comes at the halfway mark of Strategy 2020's term. The study looks at how ADB set and monitored its institutional priorities for promoting inclusive growth at the corporate level and…
The Realignment defined four key goals to respond to a perceived loss of Bank relevance and presence in LAC: sharpening sector focus and expertise, sharpening country focus, strengthening risk- and results-based management, and enhancing institutional efficiency. The evaluation concludes that…
This approach paper identifies the rationale, the main evaluative questions, and the methods to be used for an evaluation by the Inter-American Development Bank's Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) on Citizen Security in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In this comparative project evaluation, OVE analyzes the effectiveness of the implementation strategy of five IDB-supported citizen security projects in Central America and the Caribbean.
The realignment was proposed to remedy the loss of relevance and presence of the Bank in Latin America and the Caribbean because it had been unable to adapt to: (i) greater access by the countries to alternative sources of financing, (ii) the appearance of new actors, such as subnational…