This evaluation assesses the lending of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG) through financial intermediaries (FIs) from 2005 to 2014. It focuses on FI operations, an instrument IDBG uses to increase access to finance (A2F) in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) by supporting…
This report presents the findings of the independent assessment of PROCIDADES, a facility for financing integrated urban interventions by lending directly to Brazilian municipalities.
This document presents an evaluation by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) of the Country Program of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB, or the Bank) with Brazil over the period 2011-2014.
This document presents the results of the IDB Country Program Evaluation (CPE) with Bolivia for the 2011-2015 period. It is the third independent evaluation of the IDB's program with Bolivia.
This review fulfills the requirement for a joint review associated with the IDB Board approval of the Protocol for Implementation of the Recommendation Tracking System (ReTS).
This evaluation presents lessons learned from OVE's in-depth comparative case studies of three IDB-funded BRT projects in Lima, Cali, and Montevideo and makes suggestions to inform future IDB support for urban transport projects.