This evaluation reviews IDB’s implementation of the IDB-9 mandates and results to date. It follows the themes of OVE’s 2013 mid-term evaluation (also mandated under IDB-9) and focuses more centrally on “the big picture” – to what extent IDB-9 mandates have been implemented, what has been…
The objective of the evaluation is to assess how well and to what extent the IDB’s activities to date have promoted gender equality, women’s empowerment, and development with identity. The evaluation focuses on three key aspects: (i) the relevance of the Bank’s approach (its policy framework…
The Gender Practitioners Community of Practice of ECG met for a two-day workshop, organised by IEG in Washington DC, in September 2017. The material presented in this brochure summarizes the content of five sessions; additional sessions focused on the challenges of evaluating the gender…
The 2018 Annual Evaluation Review reviews ADB’s progress in operationalizing its strategic agendas and drivers of change by summarizing the results of ADB’s interventions in these areas based on recent corporate and thematic evaluations.
The work of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) in 2017 focused on 15 major evaluations, summarized in this annual report. Additionally, the report includes a broader view of OVE's work in the last seven years, as well as the results of validations on the progress made by…