The EIB’s Energy Lending Criteria aim to support the Bank in contributing to EU Energy Policy by setting out: (i) the criteria by which the Bank screens and assesses the energy component of projects; and (ii) priorities the Bank’s activities in the energy sector.
This Practice Note aims to provide guidance on the formulation of evaluation recommendations by putting forward “suggested features”. In doing so, the Note seeks to answer the following questions: Who should formulate evaluation recommendations? When should evaluation recommendations be…
The EIB provides Structural Programme Loans (SPLs) so that Member States or regions can provide their expected share of funding for the Structural (and Investment) Funds to increase cohesion.
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) combines a portfolio guarantee provided to the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group from the European Union (EU) budget and a capital contribution from the EIB, aimed to stimulate investment and boost sustainable economic growth in the EU.
The 2018 Annual Evaluation Review reviews ADB’s progress in operationalizing its strategic agendas and drivers of change by summarizing the results of ADB’s interventions in these areas based on recent corporate and thematic evaluations.