During 2020, IG/EV worked on seven evaluations, including a comprehensive evaluation of EIB cohesion financing. It also assisted the EIB Group’s early decisions in its response to COVID-19.
The EU treaties entrust the EIB with supporting the reduction of regional disparities in the Union, notably by financing projects in less-developed EU regions. The Evaluation Division of the EIB evaluated how the Bank achieved this objective for the period 2007-2018.
In 2007, the EIB played a major role in developing the green bond market with the issuance of the first climate awareness bond (CAB), the world's first green bond. Since then, the green bond market has grown substantially in size and sophistication.
This Annual Evaluation Review (AER) updates ADB’s performance and results from a high-level perspective, based on findings and evidence from Independent Evaluation Department (IED) evaluations and validations, and assesses ADB’s institutional response and support for the Sustainable…
This paper provides a synthesis of lessons from evaluations of PFM support by ADB, other multilateral development banks, and the International Monetary Fund, as well as lessons from research and analysis by other international organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation…