The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Development Results (CEDR) of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB, or Bank) aims to provide an independent, credible and evidence-based assessment of development results achieved by the Bank between 2004 and 2013.
This document informs IDEV stakeholders about its work in 2015. Overall, 12 influential evaluations were delivered: 5 country strategy and program evaluations, 3 thematic evaluations, 3 corporate evaluations and a project cluster evaluation. This represents the highest number in IDEV's 30…
The African Development Bank Group's (the Bank) Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) work program 2016-2018 operationalizes the three strategic objectives of accountability, learning and evaluation culture set out in the 2013-2017 independent evaluation strategy. It has been designed…
The objective of this evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the African Development Bank Group's assistance strategy and role in Chad over the period 2002–2012.
This evaluation is a response to the January 2012 report of the Bank-wide Task Force set up to take stock of microfinance activities of the AfricanDevelopment Bank Group (the Bank). The task force called for an independent and comprehensive review of these activities.