In November 2020, IDEV presented its annual update to the 2019-2021 Work Program for the year 2021 to the Committee on Operations and Development Effectiveness (CODE) of the AfDB Board of Directors. In particular, since the last work program update, IDEV had received requests for new…
The purpose of the evaluation is to inform the planned revision of the Bank’s Portfolio Review and Restructuring Policy and its guidelines. The evaluation assessed the portfolio review and restructuring policy and guidelines of the Bank as they have evolved over the years, how they have been…
The aim of the cluster evaluation was to inform the design and implementation of future RWSS projects under the Bank’s High 5s priority related to improving the quality of life for the people of Africa.
The purpose of the evaluation is to facilitate effective implementation of the Bank’s CSE Action Plan (2019–2021) and to inform the design of a new AfDB CSE Strategy.
The African Development Bank Group (AfDB or “the Bank”) undertakes self-evaluations of its sovereign operations through Project Completion Reports (PCRs) prepared by the Bank’s operations departments. Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the Bank subsequently validates the PCRs, and…
The objectives of this impact evaluation were: (i) to estimate the impacts of AfDB-supported integrated infrastructure projects on key intermediate and long-term outcomes; (ii) to identify explanatory factors that affect the development outcomes of the project; and (iii) to generate lessons…