This document informs IDEV stakeholders about its work in 2015. Overall, 12 influential evaluations were delivered: 5 country strategy and program evaluations, 3 thematic evaluations, 3 corporate evaluations and a project cluster evaluation. This represents the highest number in IDEV's 30…
In the 70 years since the IMF’s founding, the global economy and the IMF’s role have evolved markedly. So too has the IMF’s need for data, but what has not changed is the fundamental role that data play in sup- porting the IMF in its efforts to foster global economic and financial stability.…
The African Development Bank Group's (the Bank) Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) work program 2016-2018 operationalizes the three strategic objectives of accountability, learning and evaluation culture set out in the 2013-2017 independent evaluation strategy. It has been designed…
This report is IEO’s first assessment of self-evaluation at the IMF. It examines the outputs and activities conducted at the IMF in order to learn from experience and improve the quality of its work. The report is intended to help strengthen the IMF self-evaluation function and in this way…
The report examines the IMF's surveillance and lending activities following the Lehman collapse through 2013, while excluding programs in the euro area, which will be addressed in a separate IEO evaluation.
The objective of this evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the African Development Bank Group's assistance strategy and role in Chad over the period 2002–2012.