This report covers IEO activities through end-August 2023. Since the 2022 Annual Report, the IEO has launched the IEO@20 book highlighting the IEO’s work and contribution to the Fund during its second decade of operation, reflecting on experience over the past decade, and anticipating what…
The 2022 Annual Evaluation Report (AER) of the Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD) of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) presents a syn- thesis of the Ex-post evaluations of IsDB interven- tions and activities undertaken during the year. IEvD is committed to aligning its evaluation work…
The year has been one of exceptional coordination between IDEV and African Development Bank Management to achieve the timely delivery of evaluative evidence.
Our 13 evaluation reports delivered in 2021 cover a wide spectrum of Bank activities, including policies, strategies and…
This evaluation follows on from IDEV’s evaluation of the AfDB’s Strategy for Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in Africa (2014-2019), concluded in 2020. The objective of the evaluation was an in-depth examination of the TSF to assess its ability to reduce fragility and build…