The evaluation aimed to generate knowledge and provide lessons to maximize the impact of ongoing and future irrigation development interventions. It applied a counterfactual approach, comparing the project beneficiaries with a control group, to measure and attribute the effects of the…
Independent Development Evaluation has conducted an evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Country Strategy and Program in Mali for the period 2005-2019. The evaluation covered 109 operations with a total value of nearly UA 1 billion, of which 64 operations approved between 2005 and 2019…
The report highlights the work and achievements of the EIB Group’s independent evaluation function in 2019. Currently, evaluators are completing reports on the EIB’s financing in cohesion regions, its support to urban public transport, and the EIB Group’s Risk Enhancement Mandate (EREM).
Guided by international evaluation criteria and standards, the AfDB’s Independent Development Evaluation conducted an evaluation of the Bank’s 2013-2019 PSD Strategy to take stock of its implementation and assess its contribution to the Bank’s efficiency and effectiveness, with a view to…
As part of its 2018 - 2019 work program, Independent Development Evaluation undertook a thematic evaluation of the Bank’s role in increasing access to finance in Africa. The thematic evaluation is supported by a cluster evaluation of 32 Bank financial sector development (FSD) operations…
To provide credible information on the role of the Bank in increased access to finance and financial inclusion in Africa, and to inform the development of the Bank’s next Financial Sector Development (FSD) Strategy, Independent Development Evaluation conducted a thematic evaluation to assess…