The evaluation of the EIB Group Risk Enhancement Mandate (EREM) includes a more detailed analysis of the Loan Funds Instrument, one of the EREM products.
The evaluation of the EIB Group Risk Enhancement Mandate (EREM) includes a more detailed analysis of the Cooperative Banks and Smaller Institutions, one of the EREM products.
The objectives of this impact evaluation were: (i) to estimate the impacts of AfDB-supported integrated infrastructure projects on key intermediate and long-term outcomes; (ii) to identify explanatory factors that affect the development outcomes of the project; and (iii) to generate lessons…
IDEV has carried out an evaluation of the Bank’s support to the energy sector for the period 1999-2018. During this period, the Bank committed nearly 18 billion USD to 306 projects in its Regional Member Countries (RMCs). Almost half of the funds went to power generation. The rest went to…
This report presents IDEV’s first assessment of the adoption of evaluation recommendations, as captured in the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) Management Action Record System (MARS), established in 2013.
The purpose of the evaluation was to account for the Bank’s operations in Egypt and to foster learning to help improve the Bank’s future performance. The evaluation highlights key lessons and recommendations for consideration in future program design.