This report presents findings, conclusions and recommendations from IDEV’s Evaluation of Quality at Entry (QaE) of the Operations of the African Development Bank Group (“the Bank”). It covers all sovereign and non-sovereign operations (NSOs) approved between 2013 and 2017. The main objectives…
The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) combines a portfolio guarantee provided to the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group from the European Union (EU) budget and a capital contribution from the EIB, aimed to stimulate investment and boost sustainable economic growth in the EU.
Themed “Getting to Results”, the report sets out how IDEV contributed to accountability and learning in the area of the African Development Bank’s operational priorities, provided evidence for better programs, policies and processes, as well as helped strengthen evaluation capacity within and…
What is the added value of independent evaluation focused not on projects and programs but on organizations themselves? Does it help organizations deliver more and better? Does evaluation evidence have any impact on the way development organizations are managing themselves? In this edition of…
The EIB fosters access to finance and financial sector development in ACP, notably through intermediated lending operations implemented under the Cotonou Investment Facility (IF). This evaluation assesses the extent to which EIB intermediated lending through the IF has contributed to improving…
This summary report presents findings, conclusions and recommendations of an evaluation of the African Development Bank Human Resources Management System (HRMS). The objectives of this report are to: assess the current state of the Bank's institutional environment with respect to HR…