IDEV’s three-year work program provide the framework within which IDEV activities are planned, resourced, and implemented. The work program links policy to programming. This is critical for managerial accountability and effective use of resources.
This study is EvD’s first review of the Nominee Director programme for direct equity investments. The study used an extensive EBRD document and wider literature review, and prepared 14 case studies representing multiple sectors and company types.
This evaluation provides background on trends in international trade and their major drivers, reviews other MDBs’ approaches to trade facilitation, and summarises the findings of previous evaluations of trade facilitation activities.
In November 2020, IDEV presented its annual update to the 2019-2021 Work Program for the year 2021 to the Committee on Operations and Development Effectiveness (CODE) of the AfDB Board of Directors. In particular, since the last work program update, IDEV had received requests for new…