EBRD has been implementing the Green Cities Programme (GrCP) since 2016 to promote municipal solutions to mitigate or adapt to climate change. This evaluation presents the results of the interim evaluation of the first five years of GrCP implementation (2016-2021).
The EBRD Shareholder Special Fund (SSF) was established in 2008 to respond more effectively to the remaining transition challenges in EBRD’s regions of operation. This report evaluates the SSF during the period spanning January 2016 to December 2020.
This fifth issue of the “Connecting the Dots” series covers a range of important elements of private sector support to reconstruction efforts in conflict-affected countries.
The year has been one of exceptional coordination between IDEV and African Development Bank Management to achieve the timely delivery of evaluative evidence.
Our 13 evaluation reports delivered in 2021 cover a wide spectrum of Bank activities, including policies, strategies and…