The June 2014 issue of AfDB IDEV's eVALUation Matters focuses on the transport sector in Africa, a sector that has long languished behind that of other world regions. The issue poses seminal questions about transport in Africa. With contributions from the African Development Bank, the…
The 2013 Annual Evaluation Review presents an assessment of the performance of the EBRD's mature operations based on a mix of in-depth evaluations by EvD and validated self-evaluations. It includes the main findings from evaluation studies completed in 2013, a more in-depth study of the…
This evaluation seeks to meet two related needs for evaluative information among the Bank's senior management, SARC, operational staff and Board, and GOB
This study provides a review and assessment of the Bank's objectives and activities supporting private sector participation in municipal and environmental infrastructure (MEI) and services sector between 2001 and 2012.
This report provides an overview of the findings of an evaluation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (the EBRD's) experience with policy dialogue in Ukraine. It was carried out by the Bank's independent evaluation department (EvD).
eVALUation Matters is quarterly knowledge publication of the Operations Evaluation Department of the African Development Bank Group. The March 2014 issue focuses on gender inequality.