This paper provides EvD’s initial contribution to the Management review as directed by a first-ever “Independent External Evaluation of EBRD's Evaluation System” (Kirk Report). It consolidates analysis, findings and recommendations that EvD has largely provided in other contexts and that…
The Women in Business programme in Turkey was the first EBRD approach to “support women’s access to finance and entrepreneurship, combining dedicated financing, backed by technical advice to local financial institutions and a direct engagement with women entrepreneurs through access to…
The ‘EBRD Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account’ (Ukraine MDA) was launched in 2014 as part of a multilateral crisis-response measures to provide urgent support to Ukraine in the wake of major political, security, economic and humanitarian crises.
A total of…
This edition of Made in Africa Evaluations explores indigenous approaches and how they could fast-track the achievement of the continental development agendas – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) and the African Union Agenda 2063. We asked contributors to respond to…
To strengthen its position as a partner of choice in Africa and reposition itself as the continent’s premier development finance institution, the African Development Bank (AfDB) adopted a Ten-Year Strategy (TYS 2013-2022), in which it reaffirmed its strong commitment to partnerships. It also…
To ensure that its projects do not have negative impacts on people or the environment, the African Development Bank (AfDB or the Bank) adopted an Integrated Safeguards System (ISS) in December 2013 to promote growth that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.